How RFID Change the modern supply chain

In today's rapidly developing technology, many tools facilitate and expedite human work. This is also true for work in a warehouse. Companies can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse operations in numerous ways, one of which is through the use of automation products like RFID.

Radio-frequency identification, or widely known as RFID, is a technology that uses radio frequencies to automatically identify and track tags attached to an object, essentially providing a digital fingerprint for each item.


With its versatile capabilities, RFID finds applications in various settings, from warehouses to retail stores. It is used for inventory management, asset tracking, supply chain optimisation, to theft prevention, showcasing its adaptability and potential in different environments.

RFID systems consist of three core components to function: tags/labels, which are attached to objects and used for storing and transmitting data; readers, which read information stored in the tags/labels; and software, which converts raw data into actionable insights for inventory management and decision-making.


This is because when an RFID reader is activated, it broadcasts the signal to the surrounding area. If an RFID tag is within range of the reader, it will transmit the data stored on the tag back to the reader. Each tag will respond with a unique number. Later, the reader will forward the data to software for processing and analysis. The software is typically integrated with a warehouse management system (WMS) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to incorporate the information into broader operational workflows seamlessly.

By implementing RFID technology, warehouses can achieve several key benefits:

1.First, RFID can help streamline various warehouse processes, such as receiving, picking, packing, and shipping.

By utilizing automated identification and data capture capabilities, companies can quickly locate and retrieve items, resulting in reduced labor costs and lead time.


2.Second, RFID helps enhance supply chain visibility and traceability. By tracking the movement of goods throughout the supply chain, companies can gain valuable insights into inventory levels, lead times, and potential bottlenecks. This information enables them to optimize their supply chain operations, improve demand forecasting, and make more informed business decisions.


3.Moreover, RFID can contribute to loss prevention and security efforts. By tagging valuable assets or high-risk items, companies can monitor their movement and detect unauthorized access or removal. This helps to deter theft and reduce shrinkage, protecting the company's bottom line.


A study involving leading retailers and brands, including Adidas, C&A, Decathlon, and Tesco, found that the use of RFID systems can help companies increase their sales by up to 5.5%. It is proves that the use of RFID can benefit the implementer. In Decathlon, RFID is fully integrated into its operation. At the manufacturing site, RFID makes production monitoring and traceability easier. With a unique number for every product, RFID also enables company partners to better manage production time, waste materials, and shipping. Meanwhile, RFID makes inspections and checks quicker, simpler, and more efficient at the distribution centre. At the store, RFID enables employees to concentrate on customer service, advice, and support while ensuring product availability.


However, some considerations should be made before implementing RFID. The system needs an initial investment in hardware like tags, readers, and software. Integrating existing systems like WMS and ERP may also require some adjustments, thus requiring more cost. Nevertheless, despite these considerations, the potential advantages of RFID in warehouse operations are substantial. By embracing RFID, companies can unlock a new level of efficiency, accuracy, and visibility in their warehouse operations, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and increasing profitability.